Bus Stops in West Yorkshire
The Combined Authority manages the 14,000 of them in West Yorkshire. Here are more details about our bus stops.
Bus Stop Plate
The plate shows the bus stop name, the 450-stop number and destinations that buses stopping there are heading towards. Core Network bus stops also have the line and route numbers.
Bus Shelter
Most busy stops have a shelter to help keep customers protected from the elements. Often they have seats and lighting to help customers feel more secure. In West Yorkshire, they are mostly made of glass but there are some stone built ones.
Timetable at the stop
Most bus stops have a bus timetable in a case. This shows information about the bus services from that stop; destinations, route numbers, who operates the routes and the times that buses depart.
Please arrive at the stop a few minutes beforehand as the times shown are approximate.
Also, times maybe subject to change due to roadworks, diversions and Christmas/New Year's or Bank Holidays. WYCA accepts no responsibility for the inconvenience caused as a result of alterations.
Around 2,200 bus stops in West Yorkshire have Real Time Information screens that show bus arrival information. These screens show customers the next few arrivals to that stop.
Usually the screen will show predictions that countdown in minutes to when the bus in due. The screens can also state if there are delays to bus services.
You can find real time information for all of West Yorkshire's stops via mobile, computer or other devices.
When your bus arrives - Signal for the bus to stop
Check the bus for its route number and destination to ensure its the right one. As your bus approaches the stop, please signal for it to stop by raising your arm, if you're able.
The bus may not stop unless you indicate to the driver that you wish to board.
Wait until the bus has stopped and the doors are fully opened before stepping on board.
The bus stop plate on or near a shelter indicates to customers where they should wait for the bus. It's also a marker to show to the bus driver where the bus should stop.
Bus Stop Damage
Please contact us with the 450-bus stop number and we will arrange repairs for the following:
- Broken glass
- Bus stop pole and plate
- Lighting is not working
- Vandalism
- Graffiti to the bus stop and shelter
- Issues with the timetable
- Real time screen
Many bus stops in West Yorkshire have been upgraded with accessible kerbs which allow ease of access on to buses for wheelchairs and buggys. If you require a stop upgraded, please contact us.
Hail and Ride bus services
Some bus routes have "Hail and Ride" sections as there are no fixed stops on the road served but the presence of the bus service benefits customers and residents.
You can signal to the driver that you wish to get on or press the stop button to get off at any safe point along the road.
In this section
- Buses home
- Your Next Bus
- Leeds Core Bus Network
- Bus Alerts
- Bus Timetables
- Bus Timetable changes
- Bus Maps and guides
- Bus Stations
- Bus Stops
- Bus Station Travel Centres
- Bus Operators
- Park & Ride Leeds
- Free town and city buses
- Leeds CityBus
- School transport
- The Dales by bus and train
- Bus Passenger Charter