Alerts 48 Bus

Easy access buses

Please see our timetables pages for details of journey times.
Bus timetables

Please note: Even though the services listed in the leaflet are scheduled for easy access buses, they cannot be guaranteed by the bus company

A few things to remember when you use an easy access bus:

  • When the bus arrives, the driver will lower the bus and / or lower the ramp to pavement level.
  • Once on the bus, reverse into the dedicated area for wheelchairs so you are facing the back of the bus.
  • Remember to apply the handbrake.
  • If you have any difficulties, please ask the driver for assistance.
  • Look for the symbol on the side of the bus.

Wheelchairs and scooters

Wheelchair users will be able to board the bus if:

  • The bus is equipped with a wheelchair space
  • The wheelchair space is unoccupied
  • The total carrying capacity of the bus would not be exceeded
  • Motorised wheelchairs and those carrying oxygen tanks are permitted on buses providing they are not too large for the wheelchair space.
  • Motorised scooters, with handlebars or steering loops, are not allowed on buses.
  • The wheelchair ramp will be used if it is safe to do so. Unfortunately however it may not be possible to use the ramp if the bus is prevented from reaching the kerb by other vehicles.

Guide dogs and assistance dogs

Guide dogs, hearing and other assistance dogs are allowed on easy access buses.

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Alerts 48 Bus