Alerts 53 Bus

Huddersfield freetownbus


Huddersfield freetownbus timetable (pdf, 2mb, opens in a new tab)


Huddersfield freetownbus links key locations around the town centre including, the bus and rail stations, University of Huddersfield, the Kingsgate Centre and the indoor and outdoor markets. 

Huddersfield Freetownbus Map

On Monday to Saturdays freetownbus operates every 20 minutes between 9.30am and 2.50pm from the bus station.

Stops include:

  1. Rail Station
  2. John William Street (J3)
  3. Westgate (W2)
  4. Bus Station (H)
  5. High Street (H2)
  6. Indoor Market (H2a)
  7. The University of Huddersfield (Queen Street C1)
  8. Kingsgate (C2)
  9. Cross Church Street (C3)
  10. Lord Street (Parish Church K1)
  11. Outdoor Market (P2)


Monday to Saturdays, the freetownbus serve the Town Centre locations every 20 minutes, from 0930 to 1450.

There is no Sunday service.