Leeds CityBus / Service 5
Current timetables
The Leeds CityBus links Leeds' rail and bus stations, business and shopping districts, the General Infirmary, Universities and Halton Moor.
- Monday to Saturday daytimes - a regular service
- Evenings and Sundays - half-hourly/hourly service
Which tickets and passes are accepted?
City Bus is £1 per journey,unless you have the following ticket or pass:
- MetroDay
- MCard (all types)
- Metro Blind Concessionary Pass
- Park & Ride
- West Yorkshire DaySavers (after 9.30am Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
- English National Concessionary Senior and Disabled Passes (after 9.30am Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
- PlusBus tickets to/from Leeds
Please note: No other tickets are valid on this service
Related links
- Freecitybuses
Free bus travel around town and city centres in West Yorkshire.
- Leeds City Council
In this section
- Buses home
- Your Next Bus
- Leeds Core Bus Network
- Bus Alerts
- Bus Timetables
- Bus Timetable changes
- Bus Maps and guides
- Bus Stations
- Bus Stops
- Bus Station Travel Centres
- Bus Operators
- Park & Ride Leeds
- Free town and city buses
- Leeds CityBus
- School transport
- The Dales by bus and train
- Bus Passenger Charter