Alerts 53 Bus

Leeds City Park & Ride Fare Changes

New ticket prices effective from Sunday 5 February 2023

Tickets available to purchase via the MCard Mobile App



1 Adult day ticket


5 Adult day tickets

£18 (£3.60 each)

10 Adult day tickets

£36 (£3.60 each)

20 Adult day tickets

£72 (£3.60 each)

Tickets available to purchase onboard the bus 



1 Adult day ticket

£4 (Monday - Friday)

Off peak day ticket
(Starting point and ticket purchase only from the site)

£2.50 (after 13:00 Monday – Friday)

Off peak day ticket
(Starting point and ticket purchase only from the site)

£1.50 (after 15:00 Monday – Sunday)

5 for £6.50

£6.50 (up to 5 people travelling together on a Saturday or Sunday)

Saturday or Sunday day ticket


Childs day ticket

Up to three children under 19 travel free with every fare paying adult. Additional or unaccompanied children from 5 and up to the age of 18 pay £2.

Concessionary Passes
Senior / Blind / Disabled day ticket

£2.50 after 09:30 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. Full fare before 09:30.
You will need to show a concessionary pass.

All MCard tickets purchased before the price change will remain valid, provided they are used within 12 months of purchase.

The Travel Plan Network is free to join and the annual ticket is payable monthly, ask to your HR department, or contact or tel: 0113 348 1818 for details.

Over the last decade, we have committed to keeping bus fares low for our customers despite increasing costs.

We appreciate that a price increase comes at a difficult time. However, to continue to provide a sustainable and reliable service for our customers, the changes are necessary. Park & Ride still offers excellent value for money in comparison to all day city centre parking.

It also brings fares in line with other West Yorkshire fares, keeping fares simple.

We would like to thank all our customers for your continued support.