Alerts 53 Bus

Your next bus - Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find the bus stop number?

The number will be on the bus stop flag - the little sign above the stop. All stop numbers in West Yorkshire begin with 450 and are then followed by five more digits.

If your bus stop only has a five-digit number, just add 450 to the beginning.

You can also look up a bus stop number on this website by entering a service number, postcode or by looking at a map.


How much does yournextbus cost?

The cost will depend on your mobile phone service provider, your contract and which method you use.

Internet Access

We make no charge for this service. Your internet providers normal data charges may apply.

Text Message

A text message is charged at your standard outbound rate plus a maximum of 12p for the returned text.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority takes no revenue at all from the the receipt or generation of text messages


What is the difference between yournextbus predicted times and scheduled times?

Real times are based on the current location of the bus and the predicted time it would take to arrive at your stop shown in minutes (e.g. 3 mins)

The scheduled time is the timetabled time shown as a 24 hr clock time (e.g. 14:29).

On the internet, pages automatically refresh and will count down for tracked buses e.g. 3 mins, 2 mins and Due when the bus is less than 90 seconds away from the stop.


Will yournextbus provide information on cancelled buses?

This is reliant on the relevant bus operator marking the service as cancelled.

On the system, the destination name of the service will then change to "Cancelled"


Why does yournextbus sometimes give me scheduled times?

1. The bus operator is not currently part of the real time system
2. There's a technical fault with the buses' GPS equipment
3. The vehicle is too far away from its expected scheduled location (for example the bus is diverted)


What is the coverage of services?

Currently about 90% of buses in West Yorkshire are equipped with the yournextbus tracking system.


Why isn't the real time screen at my bus stop working?

There are various reasons why the screen at the stop is not working. The best thing to do is to please report this to us We would be able to contact our suppliers who will try to find the issue and get the screen working again.


Is the West Yorkshire Combined Authority generating any revenue from yournextbus?

We make no money or profit from this service. We pay to provide this service.