Alerts 53 Bus

QR Codes and NFC Tags at Bus Stops

Here is a YouTube Video to show you how to scan the QR Code/NFC Chip at your stop. 


Did you know you can find out exactly when your next bus is due at 14,000 bus stops across West Yorkshire?

At the base of every timetable case at the stop you will see a credit card with a QR (Quick Response) Code/NFC (Near Field Communication) icon. By scanning either of these with a smartphone, it will automatically link to live times of all buses arriving at the stop.


Here are a few steps for how to use them:

QR Codes

  • The QR code/NFC chip is placed within the bus stop timetable case.
  • Your device may be able to read QR codes already. On iOS - iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch that runs on iOS11 or for Android users - Google on Tap, Google Assistant or Google Lens.
  • Open your camera app and point it steady towards the QR codes you want to scan at the stop. Your live bus times will automatically appear.
  • If your camera cannot read QR codes you will need to download a QR code reader app to your device. These are available free from Google Play, iTunes or the Windows app stores. Once downloaded, open your QR Code reader and scan the card at the stop

NFC Tags

  • If your phone has NFC technology, simply go into Settings switch on the NFC and payment. Then scan your phone over the NFC ‘N’ symbol


  • Android users - If nothing happens, you may have to go to your Settings and enable QR Code scanning. This will prompt you to open a webpage. You’ll see a list real time and scheduled departures from the bus stop

Handy Tip

  • Bookmark that page to have quick, easy access to live times from your stop.