Alerts 53 Bus



Call MetroLine on 0113 245 7676 between 7am and 8pm Monday to Saturday or 8am to 8pm on Sunday for information about:

  • West Yorkshire bus & train times
  • MCard and our other prepaid tickets
  • Concessionary travel, such as Senior Pass, Blind & Disabled, and Young Persons.
  • Braille, large print and audio timetables.

Opening hours over Christmas and New Year's 

Reporting problems and giving feedback

You can report problems and give us your feedback online

You can also call MetroLine to report damage to stops, shelters and stations, or if you want to make a comment about an operator or service - we'll pass your feedback on to the operator for you. 

Other information

MetroLine staff can also direct you to other sources of information, such as:



MetroLine uses the latest call centre technology. Menu options direct you to the most appropriate operator and if you do have to wait in a queue the system advises you of your position, or how long you will have to wait.

Pre-recorded messages are also used to inform you of major changes, such as Bank Holiday, Christmas and New Year services or service disruptions.


All calls are recorded for training and security purposes.