Alerts 53 Bus



Harvey’s VIP bus station visit is ‘thank you’ for Golcar voluntary work

2 March 2020

When the organisers of Golcar Lily Day wanted to find a way to thank massive bus fan Harvey Dawson for all the voluntary work he has put in at their annual village event, they approached Huddersfield Bus Station.

As a result, on Wednesday Harvey was given a grand tour of the Bus Station, West Yorkshire’s busiest, by manager Helen Schofield and shown around the controls of a First bus by the company’s Staff manager Craig Turner.

Huddersfield Bus Station Manager Helen Schofield said: “When the Golcar Lily Day organisers approached us we thought a tour of the bus station and a look behind the scenes and when we told our colleagues at First about it, they said they would bring a bus down specially as well for him to have  closer look.”

At the end of Harvey’s tour, which included a look at the live digital CCTV screens in the Bus Station’s control room he was presented with a bag of MCard goodies including a Pink MCard. He also came away from the day with a brand new First jacket.

After his visit, Harvey said: “I was very impressed with cameras and how many people use the bus station every day. It’s unbelievable.

“I also loved going on the bus and changing destinations and most of all my First jacket and new bag.”

Craig Turner, Staff Manager at the First Huddersfield depot, who drove the bus down to the station, said: “We were delighted to help Harvey indulge his passion for buses. He really enjoyed learning about the on-board features and the technology we use to keep services running smoothly.”

Harvey’s mum Jean said: “I was so impressed with the Golcar Lily Day team for arranging this visit and would like to thank Helen and Craig. You really made Harvey’s day.

Sue Starr, who is one of the driving forces behind Golcar Lily Day said: "Harvey came to help us at Golcar lily day last year. I can't begin to tell you what a difference he made. All day long he looked after the village picking up litter and making sure everyone was safe and the village looked at its best all day. 

“We were so glad to find this opportunity to thank Harvey properly.  We are very grateful to the bus station for their first-class visit.”

Despite its name, the award-winning Golcar Lily Day is a whole year of exciting fundraising events followed by a weekend of fun and activities. This year’s event takes place on Saturday 9 May.