Alerts 53 Bus



Otley, Ilkley, Guiseley and Yeadon local bus services update

17 March 2023

The Combined Authority’s contract with Transdev to operate local bus services in the Otley, Ilkley, Guiseley and Yeadon areas expired on Sunday 19 February 2023.

Due to ongoing uncertainty about Government funding for buses, it has not been possible to secure continuation of all of the services in their current form.

Arrangements have been made with Connexions to operate services in the Otley and Ilkley areas however it has not been possible to secure a bus operator to provide service 966 which provides links into and around Guiseley and Yeadon. This also applies to service 948 which links Apperley Bridge Rail Station with Idle and Eccleshill Park Road in the morning and evening peaks which uses the same bus as 966.  

Regrettably, these services will therefore be suspended. The Combined Authority will review options for these services in consultation with the respective ward members.

There will be some changes to services affecting Yeadon, Guiseley, Otley, Menston, Ilkley, Hebers Ghyll, Cambridge, Apperley Bridge, Idle and Eccleshill and Wetherby from Sunday 19 February 2023.

DASH Otley - Menston - Wharfedale Hospital Circular

This service will be withdrawn and replaced by service 965 (Otley – Western/Newall) and 962 Otley – Menston).

962 Otley – Menston - Ilkley - Hebers Ghyll

This service will be operated by Connexions Buses. A revised timetable will be introduced with all journeys operating via Menston Station and Menston Village (replacing the DASH). The service will continue to connect with trains at Menston where possible. Due to time limitations, the service will operate on Bradford Road instead of West Busk Lane Otley.

The hourly Otley-Ilkley link will be retained except for the 1105 journey which will be withdrawn. The Ilkley-Hebers Ghyll section of route will be reduced to operate every two hours at certain times of the day.

965 Otley – Weston – Wharfedale Hospital – Newall

This service will be operated by Connexions Buses. It will partially replace the DASH, and operate a 30 minute service to Weston in line with the current timetable. On school days the 1405 journey will terminate at Newall and the 1505 1535 will not operate.

Evening and Sunday journeys will continue to be provided by Transdev on service A3 which will be extended to Weston and Newall. Journeys will run hourly 1900-2300 Monday-Saturday evenings and 0900-2200 on Sundays.

923 Otley – Wetherby

Journeys will be re-timed and will leave Wetherby at 0930 1150 and 1400 and leave Otley at 1025 1225 and 1805.


948 Applerley Bridge Rail Station - Idle - Eccleshill Park Road

This service will be suspended.

964 Otley – Cambridge

This service will be slightly reduced with journeys leaving Otley bus station at 1025 1225 1425.

966 Guiseley – Yeadon Circular

966 will have an off peak replacement service that started on Monday 6 March operated by Square Peg