Police and Crime Plan Consultation
20 September 2021
The Mayor is urging everyone in West Yorkshire to get involved and #TellTracy about your policing and community safety priorities
The consultation will feed directly into the new Plan which sets the strategic direction for West Yorkshire Police, community safety partners and commissioned services over the next three years.
Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire, said: “I’m very excited to be launching this consultation. We’ve worked really hard to make it as comprehensive and inclusive as we can with options to feedback including an online survey, over the phone, email, in person, social media and virtual events.
“Your views and the information collected will be crucial, not only in setting priorities but also to ensure I am focusing activity and funding on the areas of greatest need to the people of West Yorkshire.
“The Plan will be underpinned by some key principles that sit at the core of everything that my Deputy for Policing and Crime, Alison Lowe, and I do. These are, safety for women and girls, diversity, equality and inclusion, and early intervention and prevention.”
Alison Lowe, Deputy Mayor for Police and Crime, said: “The Police and Crime Plan is a really important document, it is far from just words on pages. It directly informs the actions of those working to keep us safe, on the frontline and on our streets.
“This is a Plan for everyone and that means we need everyone to get involved. You have a voice, and we really want to hear it.”
The consultation will run until 19th November with the online survey closing for responses on 17th October. To take part visit or call 0113 348 1740.
Police and Crime Plan Consultation #TellTracy - YouTube video