Alerts 53 Bus



Survey: Why do young people use buses?

13 September 2024

West Yorkshire Combined Authority have launched a survey to learn more about why young people use buses, how far they travel, which tickets they buy and what do they consider value for money, to help us shape our future transport network.  

Parents of young people aged 5 to 19 can also take part in the survey, which also asks about which other modes of transport your children would consider, such as walking or cycling.  

The survey should take no longer than a few minutes to complete. Responses are anonymous but if you would like more information on how West Yorkshire Combined Authority process personal data, you can read our privacy notice.

This is part of a series of customer insight surveys and workshops which will cover many areas of bus travel, walking and cycling over the next twelve months.   
Your views matter and will continue to feed into how we shape our services, and customer offers here in West Yorkshire.  

Complete the short survey to understand young people’s travel patterns online before it closes at 11:59pm on Tuesday 24th September.