What is AccessBus?
AccessBus is a door-to-door transport service, operating locally throughout West Yorkshire seven days a week between 09:00 and 17:00.
It is of benefit to people who encounter difficulties using standard bus services, as the driver assists passengers from door-to-door, including boarding and alighting where required. Our buses are low floor, easily accessible and fitted with 3-point seatbelts for your comfort and safety.
FAQs - Browse some of our frequently asked questions
Who is eligible to use AccessBus?
Anyone can register to use AccessBus.
What does it cost?
If you have any of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS) passes such as Senior, Disabled or Blind then travel on the AccessBus is free.
For adults without an ENCTS pass, there is a flat fare of £3 each way. Children pay half the adult fare, £1.50 each way
Where can I go?
Owing to the high demand for the service, travel is restricted to local journeys. Most journeys are provided for shopping trips to the local supermarket or shopping centre. We also provide a limited number of journeys for social purposes, to locations such as local community centres, places of worship and visits to family and friends.
It is unlikely that AccessBus will be able to cater for day and time-specific requests. To make best use of the vehicles, we serve certain areas on set days, allocating places to customers on the day when the bus is in their area.
How do I register?
Before using the AccessBus, passengers must be registered. You can do this by contacting the AccessBus team on 0113 348 1903, Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 16:00 or by downloading/printing an application form. Use the links below to download/print an application form and view the code of conduct.
How do I book?
Once registered you will receive a welcome letter with your passenger number and details of how to book.
Bookings must be made a minimum of two working days in advance of travel.
If you require any further information, you can contact the AccessBus team by:
Telephone: 0113 348 1903
Text phone/Minicom users can use the text relay service by dialling 18001 0113 348 1903.
For general enquires lines are open between 08.30 and 16:00 Monday to Friday
British Sign Language (BSL) users can also find out more about AccessBus by watching our BSL video