Alerts 53 Bus

Hospitals in West Yorkshire and how to get there by bus

Most hospitals in West Yorkshire have excellent public transport links, with a wide range of options to make your journey simple and convenient.

The following pages tell you which bus services to catch to your hospital, together with links to timetables.

Hospitals A to D

Hospitals E to L

Hospitals M to P

Hospitals Q to S

Hospitals T to Z


Bradford walking map - St Luke's Hospital Walking Routes PDF

The walking map is aimed at boosting the number of people travelling on foot between Bradford city centre and St Luke’s Hospital.  It includes two route options from Bradford Interchange and City Park to St Luke’s Hospital.  Both routes - a flatter option via Manchester Road and a hillier alternative via Little Horton Lane for people looking to improve their fitness - are about a mile long and take between 20 and 30 minutes to walk.


For more detailed information about bus routes and frequencies, please use our journey planner or telephone MetroLine on 0113 245 7676.