Alerts 53 Bus

West Yorkshire hospitals - A to D

Each timetable page also has PDF links for you to download and print

Hospital name Bus services

Airedale at Steeton

01535 652511


Aire Court Community Unit at Middleton

0113 855 0610


BMI at Huddersfield

01484 533131


Bradford Royal Infirmary & Maternity Unit

01274 542200

601, 602, 617618620621680
Canalside Health Centre at Bingley
Bingley Medical Practice 01274 568383
Springfield Practice 01274 567991

Calderdale Royal Hospital

01422 357171

Castleford, Normanton & District at Castleford
01977 605500

Chapel Allerton at Leeds

0113 2623404

Coronation at Ilkley
01943 609666
Cygnet at Bierley
01274 686767
508*, 606620621
Cygnet at Wyke
01274 605500

Dewsbury and District 

0844 811 8110


* 5 minutes walk

Go to the hospitals A to Z listing

For more detailed information about routes and frequencies, please use our  journey planner or telephone MetroLine on 0113 245 7676.