Alerts 53 Bus

West Yorkshire hospitals - T to Z

Each timetable page also has PDF links for you to download and print

Hospital name Bus services

Wakefield Hospice
01924 213900


Westwood Park at Buttershaw, Bradford
01274 425990


Westbourne Green Community at Bradford


Wharfedale General at Otley

01943 465522

Wheatfields Hospice at Headingley
0113 2787249
23, 24, 25, 272891
Yorkshire Clinic at Cottingley
01274 560311
60, 60A, 622662676

Yorkshire Eye Hospital at Apperley Bridge
0845 456 1778

60*, 60A*, 645*, A2*

* 5 minutes walk

 Go to the hospitals A to Z listing

For more detailed information about routes and frequencies, please use our journey planner or telephone MetroLine on 0113 245 7676.