Appealing against an unsuccessful application
If you have made an application but have been unsuccessful or wish to request a swap to another service:
You can make an appeal if:-
- You have not been given a place on a school bus service
- There are exceptional circumstances that we were unaware of, and you wish to appeal for place on a school bus.
Appeals can only be made by completing an appeal form, linked below, and cannot be done via telephone.
Before completing an appeal, please note:
Zero fare applications: to appeal against a zero fare decision, if you live in Calderdale, Kirklees or Wakefield Council areas, please refer to the respective council. For those who live in the Bradford or Leeds Council areas, please refer to your decision letter.
Buses at full capacity: we can only issue as many passes as there is capacity on the vehicle. In conjunction with the bus operating companies, we frequently monitor passenger levels and if it becomes evident in the future that a service is consistently operating below capacity, we will issue further passes (based on our pupil allocation criteria).
Appealing based on medical grounds: evidence must be submitted to us if you wish to appeal based on medical grounds.
Swapping services due to bullying or misbehaviour concerns: we can only swap if there is capacity on the requested service. Our prefered course of action is to remove those causing the issue rather than swap pupils between services. Ask your school to contact us regarding the bullying or misbehaviour issues.
Swapping services for other reasons: we can only swap if the service you wish to swap to has sufficient capacity. If we are able to swap services, you may be required to return your existing pass to us before we can issue you with another.
Further reading: Pupil allocation criteria: please see Guidelines for the provision of School Transport
Complete the appeal form
Select one of the following links to download the form to your device:
Main - Appeal form in Microsoft Office .docx format - should work in Microsoft Office 365 or compatible word processors.
Alternative - Appeal form in open text data .odt format - should work on non-microsoft compatible word processors.
Please note: both these files are simple, text only files arranged in tables so should easily open with any word processor application. You are advised to use a laptop/desktop as some mobile phone or tablet apps are either too small a screen or change the layout of the form to be unreadable. Full instructions regardng how to send the form to us are contained on the form itself. Type only in the yellow shaded boxes on the form.