Alerts 53 Bus

Under 19 Bus Only Ticket

Bus Travel for all Under 19s in West Yorkshire

MCard is now the one and only way for under 19s to travel on each and every bus in West Yorkshire. 

To make travelling easier for young people, under 19s in West Yorkshire benefit from a simplified fare structure across all West Yorkshire buses.

Visit the MCard website to find out more. 

Choose from these great value options and hop on a bus anywhere in West Yorkshire: 

1. Three Simplified single fares – for a fairer and simpler fare structure 

  • Based on how far you’re going, there are 3 easy to remember fares – 60p, £1.20 or £1.80.   
  • You’ll never pay more than £1.80 for a one-way journey, no matter how far you’re going within West Yorkshire, but most journeys are likely to cost no more than £1.20. 
Ticket type Price
Short journey single fare (less than a mile) 60p
Medium journey single fare (up to 5 miles) £1.20 (available to buy on the MCard Mobile App)
Inter-urban/city journey single fare (over 5 miles) £1.80
  • How to Buy? – State your destination to the driver and pay by cash or contactless card on the bus. Or buy in advance from your bus operator’s mobile app. The £1.20 fare is also available via the MCard Mobile app. 

2. Cheaper MCard Tickets 

  • Enjoy unlimited travel with cheaper MyDay, MyWeek and MyMonth MCard tickets for go anywhere, anytime travel on any bus within West Yorkshire 

MyDay: From just £2.25 for a day’s travel on any bus, anytime, any day. Save when you buy bundles of 3, 5 or 10 separate days of travel and use them as and when you like within 12 months. 

MyWeek: Go anywhere in West Yorkshire for just £9 a week 

MyMonthTravel with a month’s ticket for only £35. 

These will be the only bus tickets available for under 19s in West Yorkshire as individual operators e.g. Arriva, First and Transdev do not sell their own day, week and month tickets. 

Ticket type Price
MyDay 1 ticket £2.50
MyDay 3 tickets £7.20
MyDay 5 tickets £11.75
MyDay 10 tickets £22.50
MyWeek  £9.00 
MyMonth  £35.00

How to Buy?

The easiest way to buy MCard tickets is on the MCard Mobile App – Download the MCard Mobile App for ios or android mobiles from the Apple or Google Playstore and buy and store mobile tickets on your mobile phone.  

Or top up your blue Under 16 or 16-18 PhotoCard at a Bus Station Travel Centre or Ticket Machine, a Payzone store or from the android MCard app. 

You can also buy the MyDay ticket on the bus with cash or a contactless card. 


If you are wearing a school uniform, you should not be asked for proof of ID to use a young person’s ticket on the bus.  However, if you are not wearing a school uniform and look over 18, your bus driver might ask for identification to prove entitlement to use your concessionary ticket.  It’s best to have a blue Under 16 or 16-18 PhotoCard, but you can also show another form of identification such as a passport, driver’s licence or NUS card. 

Apply for a PhotoCard 

You can apply for your PhotoCard right here, right now and it will be sent to your home address in 2 - 3 working days. 

You will need proof of age to apply. A passport or driving licence will be fine, and a photo. Remember if you are under 16 your parent or guardian will need to apply for you. You will need to be 16 to apply for a 16-18 PhotoCard.  

You can also head to a Bus Station Travel Centre, they will take your photo for you, but you will still need to bring along your proof of age document.  

Under 16 PhotoCards are free and 16-18 PhotoCards cost £5.  

Are there any restrictions?

Under 19 Bus-only tickets are valid on most buses in West Yorkshire displaying the Metro logo. They can be used at most times of the day, seven days a week, and are not restricted to specific bus operators.

Because of the way some school bus services are organised, the tickets are not currently valid on the following school bus services:

BT1 at Blessed Trinity College, Burnley

C96 & C98 at Castle Hill Primary School & Todmorden High School

F63-F65, AA25, HG22-HG27 and X71 at St John Fisher & St Aidan's Schools, Harrogate

CV1 and CV2 at Colne Valley High School

M2, M7 & M23 and all NH prefixed routes at North Halifax Grammar School

TG1 & TG2 at Tadcaster Grammar School

K1, K2, K4, K5 from Meltham to Honley High School. K7 - Under 19 Bus-only tickets are valid but from Netherton only

All 'PH' prefixed route numbers at Prince Henry Grammar School (from December 2020)

C78 All Saint's Catholic College, Huddersfield

C5 and C6 Crossley Heath School