Alerts 53 Bus

MyBus primary school general information

  • Low floor vehicles with seat-belts

  • regular pool of drivers

  • passenger register

  • on-bus escort (high capacity services only) 


Where does this service operate?

Check to see if your school has a service by using our A to Z  timetable finder.

How do I apply?

To use one of these services all children must be pre-registered by via an application form.

What are the safety procedures?

As part of the application, parents and carers register their child to use a specific bus stop on specific days of travel and name who is allowed to collect the child from the bus stop. No pass is issued, but this information is instead shown on a weekly register which drivers carry to ensure that every child is safely accounted for.

In turn, as part of these safety features, parents and carers must contact us to make any changes to their child’s journey as follows:

Change Do I notify changes?
Cancel AM trip NO - just don't turn up at the stop
Add extra trip AM NO - just don't turn up at the stop
Change bus stop AM NO - board at the stop of your choice on the route
Cancel PM trip YES
Add extra trip PM YES
Change bus stop PM YES
Add another person to collect your child YES
Add a 'plus one' to travel with your child YES, PM only

We will contact parents where we are aware of an anomaly such as a child booked to travel but doesn't board the bus. However, it is the duty of the parent or carer to make any changes to their child's journey as above in advance but when this is not done on a frequent basis, we reserve the right to withdraw the child's registration.

These procedures are designed to ensure our very young passengers are safe and their journey accounted for so It is vitally important that all parents and carers keep us fully informed of journey changes and keep us up to date with contact information too. (View or download the full Terms and Conditions.)

Can my child travel straight away?

No. When we have processed your application, we will write to you with a date to begin travelling from. This is always on a Monday week commencing basis.

Is my child guaranteed a place?

No. However, most primary school services are not at full capacity. Where there are capacity issues, we will allocate a maximum of 56 children to a service on a first come, first served basis.

Can I travel on the bus with my child?

No. All children travel independently under the supervision of the driver and, where applicable, the on-bus escort.

What if the bus is delayed?

Please allow at least ten minutes over the scheduled time for your bus to arrive- general traffic conditions or even the weather can delay a bus on the public highway!

Known delays over ten minutes are published via ‘Twitter’ and you are encouraged to monitor this.Our feed name is @metrogenm. You do not need to register with Twitter to view this but if you do have your own Twitter account and follow us it will be easier to receive notifications.

Please note, we do not telephone parents/carers directly to tell them a service is running late.

How can I get further assistance?

Call us on 0113 3481122.