Alerts 53 Bus

Terms and conditions of registration

MyBus primary school terms and conditions

You can download a copy of the following terms and conditions to keep for your records. (pdf 191Kb)

By registering your child to use a MyBus primary school bus, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

* That your child is at the bus stop in good time to catch the bus for their morning journey to school (we recommend five to ten minutes before the bus is due).

* That the person who collects your child from the bus in the afternoon is at the stop in good time (we recommend five to ten minutes before the bus is due).

* That all changes to your child’s afternoon travel arrangements are notified to customer services. You do not need to notify changes affecting the morning journey.

* That all fares are paid at the point of boarding or alighting on the day of travel and not in arrears, or show the appropriate boarding pass/season ticket.

* That your child wears their seatbelt and remains seated throughout the journey until the bus has stopped (we reserve the right to manage a seating plan if necessary, particularly where there are behaviour concerns).

* That you will talk to your child about observing good behaviour and safety principles which include but are not limited to:

* Queuing sensibly when waiting for the bus and boarding the bus in an orderly manner

* Not distracting the driver/escort unless in an emergency

* Not vandalising the bus or dropping litter

* Not tampering with the emergency exit

* Not blocking exits or gangways with your bag or possessions

* Never walking in front of the bus – always wait until the bus has moved away before crossing the road

Violation of these Terms and Conditions may result in sanctions being applied which may mean having your registration suspended for a period or even permanently.