Services at full capacity
Below is a list of school services at full capacity to which no more passengers can be allocated at this time.
However, you are still encouraged to submit an application. Initially, you may receive an email or letter rejecting your application. Passenger loading levels can vary considerably over time and we frequently check these throughout the school year. If the data shows a service to be consistently operating under capacity, we will allocate extra passengers. We may also allocate your child to an alternative service if that has capacity available.
For primary school services capacity is rarely an issue, but for those services that do become full, please be advised that passenger levels usually remain static throughout the school year and rarely do new places become available. You are still encouraged to send in an application, but we will keep this on file until such time capacity becomes available.
Services at full capacity:-
Primary School services from September 2024:
K71 // P93
Secondary School Services from September 2024:
...will appear here.