Alerts 53 Bus

Bull Green Roundabout and King Cross Street Halifax

Long term junction improvement works

Dates effective: phase one from Monday 17th June until further notice. There will be further phases over the following months.

Location: Bull Green Roundabout Halifax.

Summary: There will be long term roadworks taking place at Bull Green which will result in certain restrictions entering or exiting the roundabout to and from King Cross Street. School services will be ammended as follows.

Diversions for school services

Trinity Academy Grammar

TS3 AM: To Bull Green as normal then, Cow Green, (L) Pellon Lane, (L) Hopwood Lane, (L) Hope Street, (R) Gibbet Street and normal route thereafter.

TS3 PM: no change, as per the usual route.

North Halifax Grammar School

NH10 PM: To Pellon Lane, then (R) Hopwood Lane, (L) Hope Street, (R) Gibbet Street and normal route thereafter.

NH10 AM: no change, as per the usual route.

Park Lane Academy

PL1 AM: as per the usual route to King Cross Street then (L) Cow Green, Broad Street, Waterhouse Street, Commercial Street to Wards End then as per the usual route thereafter.

PL1 PM: from school as per the usual route into Halifax then Orange Street, (L) A58 Burdock Way to King Cross and normal route.

Ryburn Valley High School

C14 AM: will start at Broad Street 30 Bus Stop turning right onto Orange Street then (L) on A58 Burdock Way resuming normal route to King Cross.

C14 PM: no change, as per the usual route.

Calder High School

C92 AM: from Halifax Bus Station as usual then(R) Orange Street then (L) on A58 Burdock Way resuming normal route to King Cross.