Alerts 53 Bus

Code of conduct

Our code of conduct sets out how we expect people to behave when using public transport.

To make everybody’s bus journey as enjoyable as possible, we ask you to sign up to the following Code of Conduct. You can download a copy for your records (pdf 68KB).

Waiting for the bus 

  • Queue sensibly, away from the road.
  • Indicate clearly for the bus to stop.
  • Get on the bus calmly, without pushing.
  • Parent/Carers must ensure that your child is at the bus stop in good time to catch the bus.

On the bus 

  • Show your pass to the driver.
  • Find a seat and stay seated for the journey.
  • Fasten your seatbelt (where applicable) - for safety and as a legal requirement.
  • Do not distract the driver unless in an emergency.
  • Do not damage the bus.
  • Always behave sensibly throughout your journey.
  • Never touch the emergency exit.
  • Never leave your bag in the aisle.

Getting off the bus 

  • When your stop is next, ring the bell once. If it has already been rung, you do not need to ring it again.
  • If you have to cross the road after you get off the bus, wait until the bus has moved off and 
    you can see the road clearly in both directions, or go to the nearest available crossing.

Terms and conditions of travel

You are respectfully reminded that registering to use the service you undertake to accept the terms and conditions of travel. This includes sanctions which would be applied if the required standards of behaviour are not met.

Parents need to be aware that if their child causes any damage or does not meet the required standard of behaviour on the bus they could:

  • Have their pass withdrawn.
  • Be banned from the bus.
  • Be prosecuted by the police.
  • Be required to pay for any damage they have caused.