Alerts 53 Bus

Fares and tickets

The latest fares and tickets

The information below is valid until Saturday 29th March, 2025.

Please see the changes to fares and tickets page for details of fare increases from Sunday 30th March 2025.

Secondary schools

For most services (see exceptions below) single fares cost £1.20 - £2.00 or purchase a daily, weekly or termly season ticket. Please see this page for current prices.

Exceptions - cash fares on the following services different from the above and MCards are not valid:

Primary School MyBus services

On all but two services (see exceptions below), the fare is £1 for a one-way single trip. 

For regular users, there will be the option of an £8.00 weekly ticket that can be purchased from the driver (see exceptions below). Note, the weekly ticket is a season ticket and is valid for one school week Monday to Friday only. It can only be purchased on the first journey made each Monday. Refunds are not available if the ticket is unused/partially used nor may be carried over to another week.

The MyDay, MyWeek and MyMonth tickets are also valid.

Exceptions - fares on the following services different from the above:

P51: £2.50 per single one-way trip. Weekly ticket £13.50 conditions as per above.

S20: £1.50 per single one-way trip. Weekly ticket £15.00 conditions as per above.

Contactless card payments

Most bus operators accept contactless debit cards instead of using cash. All the large bus operators such as First, Arriva and Transdev allow contactless as well as some of the small, independent operators. If you are unsure whether the operator of your service does allow contactless payments, please contact them for advice.