Residential MetroCard

New home buyers - ask your development Sales Office Manager if the Residential MetroCard Scheme is available at their development site.

Aim of Scheme

The aim is to encourage public transport use by house occupiers at new residential development sites through the provision of discounted annual MCards and public transport information, thus helping to establish sustainable travel patterns from the very start.

The MCard allows virtually unlimited travel on buses and trains throughout West Yorkshire, depending on the type of MCard purchased. The scheme provides an attractive benefit for new house occupiers, an incentive to purchasers of new homes and is aligned with planning guidance.


The Residential MCard Scheme is a joint initiative between the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and West Yorkshire Ticketing Company. Operators allow The Combined Authority to supply annual MCards at a discounted rate.

Where a Residential MCard Scheme agreement is in place, for the first year of occupation of a new property the occupier will not be required to pay anything for the MCard. In the second and third year the occupier will have the option of purchasing the MCard at discounted prices but will have to pay for the balance.

Developer Contribution Required

Developers will be required to provide:

  1. Payment for based on 1 ticket per household for 100% of the units permitted to be built on a development. The initial price is calculated based on the ticket type to be provided at time of signing of S106 agreement (see Table 1). Payments will be subject to an annual indexed linked to RPI rise following the signing of the S106 agreement. A further payment will be applied to cover any increases in cost of a Residential MCard between signing of the S106 and commencement on site.
  2. In some cases the developer will agree to fund a fixed amount of money. In these cases, The Combined Authority will issue tickets on a first come first served basis until the money is spent.
  3. An additional 10% of the Contribution to fund the Combined Authority administration and marketing of the scheme on the site – this is top-sliced from the payment to the Combined Authority at the start of the scheme and is non-returnable.

Payment of the sum required can be paid in total in one single payment or be split into two equal payments of 50% of the Contribution; one prior to commencement and one when 50% of eligible units have been sold.

Please note that on large phased developments, payments can be made per phase of development with agreement from the Combined Authority.

The tickets are charged at the cost of the ticket at the year the application is made. It should be noted that this means that the number of tickets available at the start of the scheme will reduced if the cost of the ticket increases. Where there are not sufficient fund for all the properties to receive a ticket, they will be issued on a first come first served basis. The 2019 ticket costs are shown in Table 1.

Type Annual cost of tickets Cost to the developer
County Wide Bus £930.00 £511.50
Bus & Rail Zone 1 - 3 £1,536.30 £844.97
Bus & Rail Zone 1 - 4 £1,804.80 £992.64
Bus & Rail Zone 1 - 5 £2,166.80 £1,191.74
Bus & Rail Zone 2 - 5 £1,513.40 £832.37

Scheme Length

The scheme will be made active on application of the first ticket (per phase). The scheme will be active for 7 years from this date. After this date the scheme will be placed on a rolling notice status. This means that the scheme will be closed 28 days after the 7th year anniversary unless an application is received in this period. If an application is made then a further 28 day notice will begin.

Unspent Funds

  • The Combined Authority will retain any unspent funds for other public transport initiatives, related to the development for 6 months after the scheme closes.
  • The Combined Authority cannot anticipate how much money will be available at the end of the scheme, but will endeavour to use any unspent funds to maximise public transport improvements/initiatives related to the development.
  • The Combined Authority will refund the balance of unspent monies to the Developer 6 months after the scheme closes.

The following are examples of appropriate transport improvements/initiatives which could be used;

  • Maintenance budget for transport infrastructure serving the Development
  • Provision of subsidised transport for young persons, people with disabilities and job-seekers within or in the vicinity of the Development.
  • The budget for Improvements to transport infrastructure serving the Development, such as bus-shelter lighting and information.

Conditions of Participation

The Developer will be eligible to purchase annual MCards at a 50% discount on the current list price when all the following conditions can be met:

  • The Developer agrees to make available one Residential (annual) MCard per household in respect of the designated housing site;
  • The Developer agrees to provide the house occupier with the MCard free of charge;
  • The Developer agrees to work with the Combined Authority to provide house occupiers with the necessary information about the scheme;
  • The Developer pays the Combined Authority an administration fee of 10% of the developer contribution towards discounted MCards for a site.

How will it work – new house occupiers

The Combined Authority will either - Provide participating Developers with “Residential MCard Application Packs” for each property. This should be supplied to the occupiers of the new homes on the site OR

Send “Residential MCard Application Packs” directly to each property if addresses can be provided.

The Application Pack will provide information about the scheme, its administration over a three year period, MCard application form, return envelope. The application form will entitle eligible persons in each home to apply for free bus and train travel throughout the West Yorkshire region for their commuting, business and leisure journeys. The MCard is not transferable (i.e. it can only be used by the cardholder).

Following the completion of the house purchase any eligible occupier wishing to apply for their free annual MCard should complete and return the enclosed MCard application form along with two passport sized full-faced photographs to the Combined Authority, in the envelope provided within 28 days.

How will it work – householders in Years 2 and 3

Once the first year of free travel is completed, the travel card holder can choose to extend the scheme for a second and eventually a third year at discounted rates. The three year agreement is:-

  • 1st year – free MCard to house occupier (developer pays 50% of list price);
  • 2nd year – 25% discount on annual cost.
  • 3rd year – 10% discount on annual cost.

The Combined Authority will send renewal notices to holders prior to the ticket expiry, and applicants will need to pay the discounted cost at the time of application.

Issuing MCards

Tickets will be issued on the 1st of the month. Applications must be received by the 15th of the month for a ticket to be issued on the 1st of the following month.

Ticket Upgrades

Residents are entitled to upgrade their ticket at a discounted cost. This can be requested at the time the application for the ticket is made.


To discuss the conditioning of Residential MCards as part of a S106 for a development site please contact: