Bus Timetables

Alerts 53 Bus

Simply enter the bus route number in to the search box for times

Enter a route number

Service changes

Check for the latest service changes and view the new timetables online

Don't know the service number?

If you know what journey you want to make, but don't know the service number, you may want to use our Journey Planner. Use our Moovit Journey Planner to plan your route. 

Alternatively search live bus times by bus stop number and postcode to see which buses to catch.

Can't find your timetable?

Some timetables are available in PDF format only - Check the pdf timetables page

Park and Ride Leeds

See the Park and Ride web page for timetables, routes and location.

School transport timetables

Timetables for school services can be found within the dedicated schools section of this website.

Where to pick up timetables

Timetables will be available, on request, at Bus Station Travel Centres 

Large print, Braille and audio timetables

Timetables are available in large print from this website, by downloading the pdf file, or in Braille or audio format free of charge by calling MetroLine on 0113 245 7676.